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Rachakonda Police Commissionerate Jurisdiction

After creation of Telangana state, the new government has initiated massive reforms in policing to serve the public better. In this process, it is noticed by the Government that the citizens have been facing problems in receiving better policing services due to the larger area of Cyberabad Commissionerate which is the second largest Commissionerate after Delhi. As such it has divided the Cyberabad Commissionerate into Cyberabad East and Cyberabad West with details of police stations come under both commissionearates by issuing vide GO. Ms.No. 126, Home (Legal) dated. 23rd June-16.

Subsequently, the government has changed the name of Cyberabad East into Rachakonda by issuing GO. Ms. No. 158, Home (Legal) dated. 22-09-16 and the same has been notified in the state official gazette also. Since then, Cyberabad Commissionerate East name is changed to Rachakonda Commissionerate.

Rachakonda Police Commissionerate Jurisdiction covers an area of 5121 Sq. Kms. It has a Population of 42 Lakhs (Approx). We serve the Communities with the help of 47 - Police Stations (Law & Order), 3 - Women Police Station, 1 - Cyber Crime Cell, & 11 - Traffic Police Stations supported by a series of auxiliary Police Units. The Geographic, Demographic and Administrative features of Rachakonda Police Commissionerate Area are as follows:

Rachakonda Police Commissionerate Area & Population

Area in Sq. Km 5121 Sq. KMs Approx.
Population 42 Lakhs Approx.
District Ranga Reddy, Medchal, Yadadri
State Telangana
Country India

Police Offices

Law & Order Zones 4
Law & Order Divisions 9
Law & Order Police Stations 47
Traffic Zones and Traffic Divisions 2 and 4
Traffic Police Stations 11
Women Police Station 3
Central Crime Stations 4
Cyber Crime Cell 1

G.O. regarding Bifurcation of Cyberabad Commissionerate, Please Click here.....

G.O. regarding Bifurcation and Change of Nomenclature of Cyberabad East Commissionerate to Rachakonda Police Commissionerate, Please Click here.....

To View the Rachakonda Police Jurisdiction Map, Please Click here.